Do you also feel anxious , nervous when being asked to speak in public ?

Studies manifest that over 75% of people experience some slight nervousness on the very first thought of public speaking , while others face panic attacks. Sometimes, these fears and anxiety may not be limited to interacting with large audience but also to interact with someone in meeting or classroom. 

Let's be honest, we all have seen those people who can speak confidently without reading a single word . But the question is how they became so self asserted and relaxed like they were going for Sunday stroll.

Well, that could be you too.

So, lets see some points that need to be taken in consideration before you can get on stage :


If you are one of those who reject the opportunities just because of fear of speaking in public then talking in mirror would probably solve all your problems related to self confidence.

One thing that defines a man as a winner or loser is his confidence , a single quality that provides a kickstart and makes us ahead from others . Believing in ourselves makes an unqualified person do the job. But how to achieve the confidence ? 

Talking in mirror gives you that confidence because daily you talk to your optimistic self. 


Having a better understanding of topic makes your more confident while speaking and helps to curtail mistakes.  An organised person is always less nervous .Always remember to keep important points in mind rather than cramming the speech to avoid forgetting while speaking. 

Moreover, try to practice more by presenting your presentation in front of a few people and ask for feedback from them or try to make a video of your's so as you can look it again and again and realise the areas for future development.


It is always manifested that people who fears the most usually avoid making any eye contact with audience that in return prevents them from watching audience reaction . Moreover this makes the audience least interested in your presentation . Usually people get nervous on interaction and and start talking monotonously or quickly , ruining the essence of presentation.