In this hard time of the pandemic, everybody is hit upon mentally and physically either in direct or indirect ways. Be it financial sufferings or mental trauma after being locked in their houses for such a long time

.Students being the major bearer of this suffering are bending over the internet for ways to increase their productivity, not only students but other people working from home have the same dilemma.

So let's look upon some ways to improve your daily routine and avoiding the depression taking a toll on our mental as well as physical health. ;


The most common mistake we as a person make while working is we do not define what we really are goin' to do in the whole day, which results in wasting of half-day thinking what to do and how to do it.

 Prioritizing your work is the main task of the day that helps to improve our routine. We should make a plan for the whole day the previous day before sleeping and organize it accordingly. It brings control to our day as compared to an otherwise hectic day.


 As important as the work being done, taking breaks is also that important for efficiency. Our brain cannot handle continuous pressure for such a long time. so organize work and brain accordingly. Small breaks can include walks, exercises, power naps and much more stuff.


It is one of the most adaptable techniques of working and taking a break in a manner, shortly we can say method to balance focus and deliberate breaks.

a.PLAN YOUR TASKS: How many pomodoros u may need.

b.DO 1 POMODORO: Work for 25 mins and take 5 min break.

c. REPEAT *4 POMODOROS: Then take a longer break.


Making of proper schedule of the day can help you stay focused the whole freakin' day. Arranging your workplace conditions is as important as to work because the surrounding environment does have a huge impact on our mood while working. 

Sitting on a comfortable chair and table is far better than lying on a clumsy sofa set while working, which induces laziness in our body and our attire to work more dies. 

Setting your day/ night preference for work is also important for consistency. Make a habit of making your bed every time you wake up. These small habits can add to the wholesome growth of our productiveness, prepare a schedule for the next day before sleep so as to avoid blankness the next day.


 Physical activity, dietary choices, and weight are all factors that can contribute to how well you function and your concentration levels. For example, if you skip breakfast, it is unlikely that by lunchtime you will be able to perform tasks to the best of your ability due to hunger pangs.

Looking after your well-being, staying active, and eating concentration-boosting foods can all help toward improving concentration. 

Soothing music can also help to boost your mood and sway it to the positive side while working or studying. If tired of those hectic pie-charts or other work, a small walk can help to boost ur inner self again.


To increase your ability to concentrate, you might want to add some walnuts, avocados, and chocolate to your dietary repertoire.

Get plenty of sleep. A sleep of at least 7-8 hours is necessary for a healthy mind to refresh and hustle another day. If you read a book or article when very tired, you will forget most of what you have read. Sleep improves attention and concentration, and therefore the registration of information. And sleep is also required for memory consolidation.


Social media can be a huge productivity killer. Checking social media while working can maximize the probability of you being driven in the hustle of a follow-unfollow fight or getting into the fake scenario of getting a verified blue tick. 

Believe me, this all is of no use unless you hustle on practical things instead and stay focused. Limiting technology interruptions, self-management skills work for gaining focus during the work.

 But it isn’t practical to have a no-phone policy. Instead, try to keep getting engaged while allowing yourself a breathing room. 

Encourage yourself to turn off your mobiles but take regular breaks during which you can be free to check your phone. This will ensure that the time spent at the desk is more productive.

Last but not least is to visualize your goal and have a positive attitude. In the end, what matters is your efforts that u made during hard times. nonetheless believe in yourself blindly and never lose a faith in our inner soul.

Signing off, 
